How Square are YOu?How Square are You? is a simple project involving a number of different Arch Plans and a data Form. We invite you to conduct the activities to explore how interesting, "safe" data can be collected within and across school districts for students to contribute and analyze the resulting data "on the fly".
We invite ALCA Members and Nonmembers alike to conduct the activities with their students. The following How Square are You? unit contains a set of lesson plans that can be printed and used. However, ALCA members can use them within their ALCA Classes and complete the fields for analysis within the Comprehend Data tool. So, let's take a look at each of the example lessons! |
1 ~ Understanding Data using
2 ~ Collecting Data using
3 ~ Analyzing Data using
4 ~ The Golden RatioThe golden ratio, also known as the golden proportion, golden mean, golden section, golden number, and divine proportion is the division of a given unit of length into two parts such that the ratio of the shorter to the longer equals the ratio of the longer part to the whole or, when a line is divided such that the ratio of the longer part of the line to the whole is exactly the same ratio as the shorter part of the line is to the longer part.