From beginning to end, see how teachers can benefit in their day-to-day work using the Arch Tools! With ALCA’s Arch web services, you can manage all of your instructional needs in one platform. Arch provides you with highly integrated tools to help teachers and administrators streamline their instructional activities.
CLASSES. Communicate with students using the class homepage. Use Classes to:
DATA. Use comprehend to quickly access, filter, and analyze student assessments using a variety of reports. STANDARDS. We’ve done the heavy lifting. In Arch, you core education standards are already unwrapped revealing the content, skills, depth of knowledge, learning targets, big ideas, and essential question critical to planning instruction. CONCEPTS. Use a working copy of your standards to gather, organize, and map standards-aligned, concept-specific resources for quick creation of curricular plans and assessments. PLANNING. Create, pace and use sharable curriculum units, daily and weekly plans, and projects mapped to standards and concepts. Through Arch, you curriculum belongs to you in perpetuity. STRATEGIES. Apply and document teaching and learning strategies to concept-related differentiated instruction. ASSESSMENTS. Create, share, and use tests, rubrics, checklists, test banks, and forms to assess learning both in print or online. PORTFOLIOS. Using rubrics as a guide, create and share learning or professional portfolios documenting lesson reflections or professional activities through multiple years. Easily incorporate video, graphics, text, and other files in a portfolio. Sign up for a free individual membership demo account or click here to contact us to move your district or site forward with Arch!
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