The Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) Trifolds have been developed to support educators in a variety of essential tasks related to their standards. Specifically, the trifolds provide an excellent reference for teachers (and students) relating to knowledge and skills required for their current subject and what the expectations were last year and are for the coming year. The OAS Trifolds are an ideal tool for PLC teams.
See the OAS Trifolds ArchDoc to access the ALCA Trifold Tools Guide and the numerous OAS Trifold pdfs for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The online version of the trifolds are available at no cost. The printed versions of the trifolds are 20 inches wide with the height varying depending on the standards sets within each trifold. For example, some ELA trifolds are 29 inches tall and Social Studies charts can be up to 33 inches tall. The printed Trifolds can be purchased at the ALCA Store.
Kathy Davis
12/14/2016 06:20:52 pm
Where would I find the pdf files of the OAS trifolds?
12/14/2016 09:54:50 pm
This is a direct link to the ArchDoc that contains links to the OAS Trifolds for your convenience.
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